Mustache :{

moon indicating dark mode
sun indicating light mode

shut the fuck up and perltidy


February 12, 2014


-pbp # Start with Perl Best Practices
-w # Show all warnings
-iob # Ignore old breakpoints
-l=79 # 79 characters per line
-mbl=2 # No more than 2 blank lines
-i=4 # Indentation is 4 columns
-ci=2 # Continuation indentation is 2 columns
-vt=0 # Less vertical tightness
-pt=2 # High parenthesis tightness
-bt=2 # High brace tightness
-sbt=2 # High square bracket tightness
-isbc # Don't indent comments without leading space

여기에 emacs 에다가 perltidy-mode.el load 하고

(eval-after-load "cperl-mode"
'(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'perltidy-mode))

하고 저장하면 저장할때마다 알아서 perltidy 되기 땜시 굳입니다 팀에서 통일해서 쓰면 좋겟습니다.

